Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.5 - RELEASE NOTES

Auf dieser Seite sind die RELEASE NOTES (dt. Veröffentlichungsnotizen) für Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.5 in Englisch angegeben.

Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.5 - RELEASE NOTES

Released on January 12, 2011.

  • Support for Turtle syntax (e.g. use "syntax=turtle" as a parameter to when calling Special:ExportRDF.
  • New query format "rdf" to export query results to RDF; the "syntax" parameter can be set to "rdfxml" or "turtle" to specify a syntax.
  • Fixed several bugs, including whitespace problems in queries using the list format, an issue with large offset values and DatatypeProperties being declared as ObjectProperties.
  • More modular export code (split one file into 3), simplifies manipulation and maintenance.

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